Samples of Amy Goldstein’s work in The Washington Post
These two pieces were part of The Washington Post’s coverage of 9/11 that won the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for national reporting. Amy wrote the stories and was the leader in a group of Post reporters that researched each one:
• Hijackers Led Core Group: Suspects Left Trail of Movement in U.S. Through Licenses, Rentals
This series on the medical treatment of immigrants detained by the federal government, with Post colleague Dana Priest, was a finalist for the 2008 Pulitzer Prize for national reporting: Careless Detention
• Suicides Point to Gaps in Treatment
• Some Detainees are Drugged for Deportation
Coronavirus pandemic articles:
• First, the coronavirus pandemic took their jobs. Then, it wiped out their health insurance.
• Covid-19, financial distress and the struggle to stay off the critical list: One hospital’s story
• Medicaid rolls swell amid the pandemic’s historic job losses, straining state budgets
Health-care policy stories:
• Why Vermont’s single-payer effort failed and what Democrats can learn from it
• A job-scarce town struggles with Arkansas’s first-in-nation Medicaid work rules
• In an arid, lonely stretch out west, the health coverage that bloomed is not at risk
• In the Tennessee Delta, a poor community loses its hospital — and a sense of security
• After Health-Care Missteps, a Chastened Clinton
From Supreme Court nomination coverage:
• For Merrick Garland, a Methodical Life of Ambition
Other social policy stories:
• Trump restrictions on fetal tissue research unsettle key studies and scientists
• ‘Deleted’ families: What went wrong with Trump’s family-separation effort